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Hilchos Shabbos Sugyas

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Basics of Eruvin in Large Cities, part 3

| 06/13/2017

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Basics of Eruvin in Large Cities, part 2

| 06/06/2017

(for technical reasons the first half of the shiur is missing )
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Basics of Eruvin in Large Cities, part 1

| 05/23/2017

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Shabbos Expenses

| 05/02/2017

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Is Shalosh Seudos an Obligation?

| 03/14/2017

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Is Melave Malka an Obligation?

| 02/28/2017

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Personal Supplications / Bekashos on Shabbos

| 02/21/2017

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Pikuach Nefesh: Who should do the Melacha - Jew or Gentile?

| 02/07/2017

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Telling a Small Child to Do Melacha on Shabbos

| 01/31/2017

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Amira L’yisroel

| 01/24/2017

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Amira L’akum and Hinting to a Goy

| 01/10/2017

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Amira L’akum for Issurei Min Hatorah

| 01/03/2017

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Schar Shabbos: Paying babysitters, caterers and chazzanim for Shabbos services

| 12/13/2016

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Reading Documents, Guest Lists and Menus on Shabbos

| 12/06/2016

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Window Browsing on Shabbos

| 11/29/2016

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Giving Gifts on Shabbos

| 11/22/2016

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Pledging Tzedakkah, Donating Sefarim, and Buying Aliyos on Shabbos

| 11/15/2016

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Sun, May 12 2024 4 Iyyar 5784